Natami takimi MX Development Baseboard icin ufak bir durum raporu vermis kendi forumlarinda. Su asamada oncelik temel amiga fonksiyonlarinin saglikli sekilde calistirilmasi. Ayrica bu ay bir de video yayinlayabilirlermis. Mi$, mu$...hep ayni Amiga hikayesi iste.
Chipset Features
Frame generation .......... ECS, fixed 28MHz pixel clock
SyncZorro Interface ....... preliminary version
Copper .................... fully implemented, with buffered data fetch
Video DMA ................. fully implemented
256 color registers ....... fully implemented
Sprites ................... 16bit linebuffer
blitter ................... basic implementation. Block and fill mode only, line to come
Video priority ............ half implemented
Scandoubler ............... fully implemented
Interrupts ................ fully implemented
Paula DMA control ......... fully implemented
Audio out ................. fully implemented
Disk DMA .................. 880k and 1760k, read only
Serial Port Paula UART .... fully implemented
Slow peripheral I/O ....... fully implemented
PC mouse and kbd support .. o
CIAs ...................... fully implemented
Board Features
VGA out ................... working
DVI out ................... o
PCI ....................... transfer only, arbiter and config missing
IDE ....................... PIO mode 0 working
Compact Flash connector ... o
NEC USB PCI ............... o
RTL 8110 LAN .............. o
Battery-backed up clock.... working
15k Video out (module) .... o
15k Video in (module) ..... o
Audio in .................. o