Bu gün, Stackexchange'de sorulan "Didn't people 'back in the day', ever try 'Object-Tracking'( combined with RC ), via their retrocomputers, as 'Home-Projects'" sorusuna verilen cevaplar arasında micromouse olgusuyla tanıştım.
Back when I was young (in the early 80's and still interested in computer shows, a feature of every major show would be a micromouse competition. The robots that used to compete didn't have radio control but were actually fully autonomouse.
A micromouse consisted of a motorised chassis, some sensors to tell the mouse where the walls are (usually infra red in those days IIRC) and a "brain" which would be a computer. When I first started watching, these werer often custom made because there were no off the shelf computers small enough to fit onto the chassis. However, after the appearance of the Sinclair ZX80, that all changed.
These don't strictly fit the criteria of your question , but it does show that people were thinking in terms of adding spacial awareness to things like R/C cars.
Konunun yine ZX80'e bağlanması ilgimi çekti. İlgili Wikipedia girdisinde micromose'un daha modern örneklerine yer verilmiş.
http://www.wiki-zero.com/index.php?q=aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi53aWtpcGVkaWEub3JnL3dpa2kvTWljcm9tb3VzZQBu DIY robotların 80'lerdeki dedeleri hakkında bilgisi olan var mı?